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The nucleus of Everlit came together in High school in Bucks County, PA and has been making music together for more than 12 years. That long association can be heard in the powerful new Hard Rock music of their forthcoming EP “Renovate”, which will be released on June 23rd through the RDC Media Group.

The band is off to a fast start @ Active Rock radio, with single “Break Away” being the most added song on Billboard’s BDs Indicator chart on April 24th. 12 stations have added the song in its first week, with another 15 testing and playing the song. “Break Away” will be released commercially on 4/28, and the video for the song is in final edits now and will be premiering in early May. The band is already doing live dates, with a Special Appearance @ the Launch Music conference in Lancaster, Pa on April 25th. The band will be hosting an EP release show on June 20th in Philadelphia to kick off their summer tour, with dates being announced in late May.

Forged in the rough and tumble Hard Rock scene in the city of Brotherly Love - Philadelphia, PA – Everlit’s core is in fact 2 brothers – Jordan and Ryan Panfil. The brothers, along with Drummer Jacob Castro, made a name for themselves on the East Coast rock circuit with their former band Willpowerless. That band released 3 albums and an EP while touring extensively on the East Coast and MidWest, playing dates from Minnesota to Texas. Willpowerless performed on several Warped Tour dates over the years as well as touring with National acts like Taproot, In This Moment, American Head Charge, and Boy Hits Car. At the end of 2013 the members decided that Willpowerless had run its course and they disbanded and retired the name.

Everlit was born as a band in 2014 when Jordan, Ryan and Jacob came together with another friend from High School, Guitarist Anthony Michael. They connected with Taylor Larsen from the band First To Last and started writing and recording @ his Oceanic Recording studio in Bethesda, MD. The result is a Powerful new set of songs – featuring the hard charging march and sing along chorus of “Break Away” to the anthemic grooves of “A Phoenix Will Rise” which speaks to never giving up and finally breaking through life’s barriers to success. This band has come together as a seasoned and exciting touring unit.

The early radio success of “Break Away” portends that 2015 will be a big year for Everlit as they strive towards the ultimate goal of being a Nationally recognized and respected Hard Rock band.

Участники группы:
Ryan Panfil - Vocals
Jordan Panfil - Bass
Jacob Castro - Drums
Anthony Michael - Guitar
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