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James Counts Band

James Counts Band
James Counts Band
Теги (жанры)
Информация об исполнителе
The James Counts Band is a rock band that formed in Santa Clara, California in late 2011.

Over the last 10 years the band has built a loyal following of fans all across the West Coast, completed a Southwestern tour circuit through Southern California and Arizona, appeared at the 4&20 Blackbird music festival in Weed, CA and recorded two full length studio albums of original material.

The James Counts Band is:

James Counts - Guitar, Lead Vocals
Jelani Canser - Bass Guitar, Vocals
Gary Collins - Percussion
Yolanda Counts - Drums
Read more on Last.fm
Read more on jamescountsband.com
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Music / Web Album James Counts Band - Potions, Powders & Charms (2021) [FLAC (tracks)] James Counts Band - Potions, Powders & Charms (2021) [FLAC (tracks)] 260.99
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by trasher2808
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