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Le Flex

Le Flex
Le Flex
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Информация об исполнителе
Le Flex is a producer of 80s retro synthpop/nu-disco/soft house from London, UK. Le Flex spends much of his time tinkering with a time machine to get back to the 80's. In between this he writes and produces sublime synthpop to make you dance, and ballads to tempt your inner lover. Le Flex first started his music project to attract as many groupies as possible. Instead all he gets are DJs messaging him to collaborate on their half-finished ideas. Read more on Last.fm
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Тип Постер Название / Информация Размер Сид | Лич
Music / Hi-Res Audio Le Flex - Flex Education (2024) [FLAC (tracks)] Le Flex - Flex Education (2024) [FLAC (tracks)] 597.34
3 | 0
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