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Lewis OfMan

Lewis OfMan
Lewis OfMan
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With tints of youth and at the same time hints of 70’s Italian film soundtracks, Lewis OfMan's music creates a shivering atmosphere where melancholia meets elevation and joy. He started music as a drummer and then learnt the piano and guitar by himself. His songs, with sophisticated jazzy chords and polished up percussions, have the will to take his audience along in a shared emotionalism sphere. With his youthful features, Lewis steps forward as a precursor. Read more on Last.fm
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Music / Hi-Res Audio Lewis OfMan - Cristal Medium Blue (2024) [FLAC (tracks)] Lewis OfMan - Cristal Medium Blue (2024) [FLAC (tracks)] 537.62
3 | 0
by Maike Golden Uploader
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