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岐阜県出身。 「ソードアート・オンライン」など数々の人気アニメ主題歌を担当し、国内外でヒットを記録。’18年には初のベストアルバム「LiSA BEST -Day-」「LiSA BEST -Way-」を2タイトル同時リリース、オリコンウィークリー1位・2位を独占。圧倒的な熱量を持つパフォーマンスとポジティブなメッセージを軸としたライブが人気を博し、アニソンシーンだけでなく数多くのロックフェスでも活躍するライブアーティストとして、その存在感を示している。

Dubbed as J-Pop's "rock heroine," LiSA is a singer from Gifu, Japan who is breaking down genre and language barriers with her powerful live performances and catchy melodies. Having gained both domestic and global prominence through a string of hit anime theme songs for fan-favorite anime titles such as "Fate/Zero," the "Sword Art Online" series, "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba," etc., she also proved to be a hit on the live circuit, drawing in fans from all genres thanks to her voice and stage persona. As the only singer of her kind to headline both anime and rock festivals, she constantly tops the charts and sells out arena venues in Japan, and has also performed in numerous countries around the world, including two solo tours in Asia.
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Music / Hi-Res Audio LISA - Alter Ego (Thank You Lilies Version) (2025) [FLAC (tracks)] LISA - Alter Ego (Thank You Lilies Version) (2025) [FLAC (tracks)] 716.30
4 | 0
by vladspb
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