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Los Colognes

Los Colognes
Los Colognes
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Biography “Only the living feel the flow/only the loving let it go” - Unspoken One of the highest and rarest aspirations in popular music is to reach for the transcendental, to access the spirit. On the third album “The Wave” by Nashville based Los Colognes, they succeed just this - in breaking through the confines of everyday pop song lyricism to tell a sort of holistic story. It’s not a concept piece, but it’s a brooding and still joyful song cycle filled with philosophical rumination Read more on Last.fm
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Music / Web Album Los Colognes - The New World (2022) [FLAC (tracks)] Los Colognes - The New World (2022) [FLAC (tracks)] 286.21
3 | 0
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