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Marcella Bella

Marcella Bella
Marcella Bella
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Josepha Marcella Bella known as Marcella Bella, or simply Marcella (Catania, June 18, 1952), is an Italian singer, songwriter, sister of Gianni Bella.


The Sixties
In 1965 it wins the selections complied with Catania, to participate in the Festival of the strangers of Ariccia, melodious review organised by Teddy Reno, but the victory is not validated in all that it has only tredici years, or rather two less than those foreseen by the rule of the competition. It turns out to be always first to numerous other competitions which he announces but, in spite of these significant affirmations, because of his strongly Sicilian accent, has difficulty to find immediately a record house ready for making for her. The meeting in 1968 with Ivo Callegari, already producer of Caterina Caselli, obtains for Marcella the timeliness of signing a contract with the «CGD». The first one carves so 45 circles in the May of 1969: on the side A we find A boy in the heart, inscription of Mogol and Roberto Soffici, while on the back The clown, with which he participates in the circle B of the Cantagiro. The record house does not happen absolutely not at all and always in the same year he proposes to the singer carving sweet Mouth, Italian version of an international hit of the Archies, Sugar sugar: the passage is still received tiepidamente at the public.

The Seventies
In 1971 an adequate record proposal is entrusted finally to the singer: it looks after itself of Are right you written by Italo Janne and Gianni Bella who on the label of the disk appears stranamente like G.Bell. The song participates, in the section youth, in the International Exhibition of Light Music that takes place to Venice in the autumn of '71. Between fifty emergent artists (between whose Edoardo Bennato, Ivana Spain, Fiorella Mannoia, Riccardo Cocciante, Amedeo Minghi) Marcella it is placed per second an ex-place - aequo with Marisa Sacchetto, instant after Romolo Ferri.

But it is in 1972 in what Marcella obtains the definitive consecration participating in the Festival of Sanremo with green Mountains, passage written by his brother Gianni and by Giancarlo Bigazzi, binomial maker of all the his great successes years Seventy. The singer catanese is the only one of the group of five emergent artists, between whose Anchovy and Marisa Sacchetto, to arrive to final itself being placed to the 7th place. The relative one sells 45 circles clamorously more than half a million copies. As of use in these years, also a nice one falls to Marcella and identifying appellative: his is a Bush, for the rebellious and pseudo-uncultivated hair! It follows the luckiest participation in the edition '72/'73 of Canzonissima where he presents green Mountains, I will live without you on Lucio Battisti, Sun that is born alone that dies (passage that had already obtained a good success to the «Festivalbar» in the summer of the same year and that will have then one certain notoriety also in Japan thanks to the participation in the Festival of Tokyo in the April of 1973) and A smile and then forgive for me with which it arrives to final being placed to the 4th place.

In the January in 1973 it is published that the first album with the headline You have not the palest idea of the love, which the sung young woman dedicates to his producer Ivo Callegari. In the internal signs Renzo Arbore praises Marcella for the scowl and the professionalism demonstrated already to his first success.

In the same year it is obtaining another great affirmation with Me tomorrow, is initialling of the celebrated Big radiophonic broadcasting variedness, with which it wins the ex-Festivalbar - aequo with My Martini and his Minuet.

In September he participates in the International Exhibition of Light Music of Venice with Me it makes dying singing, cover of the celebrated Killing me softly with his song of Roberta Flack.
In autumn a new success individual throws and that is Me...... I love you, that is part of the new, homonymous album (300.000 sold copies). Marcella will turn out to be the artist Italian woman to have sold more 45 circles during the year.

In 1974 Nobody influences ever, first example of «disk music» Italian with which it is placed to the 3rd place to the Festivalbar and who sells over 400.000 copies. In autumn the new individual the future is chosen by Arbore and Gianni Boncompagni like initials of the radiophonic broadcasting High pleasure. In the same year it overwhelms the referendum TV Votes for the voice announced between the readers of weekly Smiles and songs, which female interpreter of the year.
At the same time the album goes out Metamorphosis, with which he participates in the International Exhibition of Light Music of Venice.

1975 the singer sees catanese once more between the participants of the Festivalbar with the new one 45 circles with the headline E when, passage that anticipates the exit of the new one 33 circles entitled the soul of the mad ones that has the particularity of unpublished ones contain songs almost all but you record the living one, precisely on June 7 to the Compass of Viareggio.
In the autumn in the same year the single Negro is published, passage of the atmospheres whose disk presented to the International Exhibition of Light Music of Venice in occasion wins the golden Gondola for the sales of the album Metamorphosis.

The summer 1976 the singer sees catanese like one of the absolute protagonists thanks to the reoffer in key disk of a classic one of Domenico Modugno, It remains cù mme, with which he participates in the Festivalbar being placed to the 4th place. It obtains a moderate notoriety also the back of the individual, I will be Impazzire to you, one of the best proofs in absolute of Marcella.
Both passages are included in the new album Beautiful: from this moment, Marcella will put his name beside also the surname, kind after also the brother Gianni has conquered a big record success. The album is one of best his: Umberto Tozzi, still almost completely unknown, composes let's lack Me, while worthy of sign they are also Make Me the heart and He speaks that you speak, you interpret with the usual pathos. Singer of the year is reconfirmed, through the competition It Votes for the voice.

At the end of the year a new one goes out 45 circles entitled Included, Set You To music with which he participates beforehand in the winter melodious manifestation «to It» thought up at Vittorio's Salvetti who complies with Curtain and then to the final evening of the Festival of Sanremo 1977 in host's honour quality.

In 1977, with the album Female, there always begins a phase of a change that will be completed in the first years Eighty: the voice of the singer acquisisce a greater carnality, his interpretations become more sensual and the most winked texts.

First individual extracted by the album is it does not import me the majority, which a moderate success obtains, while in 1978 a rest period is allowed, done exception for the exit of a new one 45 circles with the headline you want Ivano Fossati's written document to Me.

In 1979 it leaves the Cgd and is useful for the Cbs: the first work with the new record house is represented by the album Walking and singing, that there avails himself of the collaboration of Gianni Bella, Mario Lavezzi, Dario Baldan Bembo, Beppe Cantarelli and Amedeo Minghi, to the epoch almost stranger, who signs some texts. Even so, the album does not obtain the estimated success, even if it will have a moderate check in summer the individual Lady livens up with which he participates in the Festivalbar.

The Eighties
In 1980 his firstborn Giacomo is born and throw during the summer melodious manifestation of Saint Vincent the new one 45 success circles Kiss Me, with which participate also in the Festivalbar and what there presents as a side b Rio De Janeiro, a passage that obtains also him a good check.
1981 it marks the return of the singer to the Festival of Sanremo with Pensa for you, with which he is placed to the 9th place and whom Marcella will indicate some years later as his least successful piece.

The throwing again Marcella Bella happens with the exit, in the same year, of a new album entitled simply. The first extracted individual is a foreign Singing with which in summer it takes part from the Festivalbar.

In autumn a new one goes out 45 circles, I will lack Me, cover of Don' 'ton walk away an Electric Light Orchestra (with text in Italian of George Calabrese), which it is chosen like Sunday opening initials in of of whose fixed cast for the first three months Marcella is part together with Pippo Baudo and Sandra Mondaini.

In 1982 the album goes out Problems, at which there is extracted the homonymous individual with which once more it takes part from the Festivalbar and from Saint-Vincent and that draws a moderate success. In autumn it is in competition to Premiatissima in the squad «It forces Sects», headed at Anna's Oxa, where he presents three extracts from the album: My man, One more year and The pact.

In 1983 Mogol writes the album In the air, always on music of Gianni Bella, who for Marcella represents the sexy turning of his career. The homonymous passage, with which the singer participates in the Festivalbar, becomes one of the great summer successes and brings back it once more between the first positions of the classifications of sale (over 150.000 sold copies).

In 1984 Mogol keeps on co-operating in the album In my pure sky, that a little itself far from the precedent obtaining a good success, graces also to the homonymous individual who sees her once more between the protagonists of the Festivalbar. In autumn he participates in Premiatissima where he presents passages of Lucio Battisti which Emotions, The time of Acqua dies, 10 girls, blue clear water, pink Flowers flowers of peach tree, Thoughts and words: this will be the passage carried in final where he will be placed to the 2nd place behind Fiorella Mannoia.

In 1985 Marcella and Gianni carve the last poetry: the passage becomes a classic little one in the arch of the summer season and the relative one 45 circles will turn at year-end like one more sold in absolute thanks to many weeks of permanence in hit - parade (over 100.000 sold copies).

In 1986 it returns to the Festival of Sanremo with Without a bit of head, with which it obtains a third meritatissimo I post managing to beat other primedonne in competition, or rather Anna Oxa, Loredana Berté, Donatella Rettore and Orietta ti Ber with a sober look and extremely simply. The relative one 45 circles will turn out to be one more sold of the manifestation (about 150.000 copies).
Subsequently the homonymous album goes out Without a bit of head, realised to London with the agreements of Geoff Westley. This quality jump coincides probably with the peak of Marcella's career, hour appreciated not only by the public but also by the criticism.

In 1987 the contract expires with the Cbs, which decides to send the singer once more to the Festival of Sanremo with the passage Best wishes, inscription of Gianni Bella, on text of Gino Paoli (who to the epoch did not reveal himself to remain extraneous to the Festival). He is placed to the sixth place, beforehand between the women, obtaining a good success.

The homonymous album goes out also Best wishes, recorded once more to London with the agreements of Geoff Westley, that they feel the effect of influences vaguely jazz.

In 1988 he signs for the Memories and the storm is still to Sanremo with Later, where it is placed to the 4th place and once more beforehand between the women obtaining the nth success. The week following to the Festival the Lp publishes '88 recorded between London and Monaco with the same team of the preceding albums, which sells in an alone week 40.000 copies.

The Nineties
In 1990 he participates for the sixth time in the Festival of Sanremo, in couple with the brother Gianni, obtaining a good check with the passage Towards the unknown (80.000 sold copies), which will follow the publication of the homonymous album. A little after the Line exit the unknown the CBS, his old record house, introduces on the market the album Sings Baptists who he understands six passages presented to Premiatissima '84 with the Anchor addition you already present in the album In the air.

In 1991 it is the album Under the volcano that represents his first true failure for the total promotion absence because of incurable incomprehension with the record label that will cause the definitive breaking of the contract: it seems in fact that the singer wanted to lead to the Festival the passage (it written document by Valerio Negrini and Roby Facchinetti) that was giving the headline to the album, while You Remember it he was preferring to point to a piece of easier impact which Friends, song in couple with Riccardo Fogli, who will be then chosen like radiophonic individual.

In the same year there is born Printed cotton, his secondogenita, while in 1993 it is the time of Tommaso, which is dedicated the homonymous album live in which Marcella reinterpreta his principal successes, together I believe Me, a passage that in spite of boasting the extraordinary participation of Remo Girone is rejected by the commission esaminatrice of the Festival of Sanremo.
There is in 1994 the participation in the melodious competition of Canal 5 Living Naples that represents the first important apparition in TV after two preceding motherhood, in which it interprets the classic one of the Neapolitan song 'Na in the evening 'and May, which wins the first thrust.
In 1995 it publishes for the Cgd the album gilt Years, in which it reads again the most beautiful melodies of the forties and Fifty. The disk is made up by Gianni Bella, with the collaboration of Geoff Westley.

Dopo la breve tournée primaverile, l'attività musicale della cantante si riduce considerevolmente, sia dal punto di vista discografico, sia dal punto di vista delle partecipazioni televisive.

In 1995 he always participates in the second edition of Living Naples, where he presents It Returns to Surriento that nevertheless does not arrive to final.

There is in 1997 the third participation in Living Naples, in which it is in competition with Guapparia and Munasterio 'and Holy Chiara in the squad headed by Mario Merola.

Towards the end of the nineties he records with the brother Gianni a pair of passages, It is a miracle and He loves the life, both you unwrap at the commissions graders of the Festival of Sanremo.

The Two-thousand
In 2002, after having signed a contract with Sony Music, it realises a new cd with the Past and present headline, in whose Marcella it retakes some of his historical successes (green Mountains, Nobody never, and so on...), together to three unpublished ones: the ironic one and ballabilissima It Does chic, chosen like first individual and written at Gianni's Bella and Giancarlo's Bigazzi; the second individual The queen of the silence, written by Gianni and Renato Zero and unwrapped at the commission esaminatrice of the Festival of Sanremo 2001; and the shade of the heart, sung in couple with Gianni and also she not admitted to the melodious competition.

In 2004 the singer participates in host's garment in the Festival of Sanremo interpreting two classic big ones of the Italian song as E if tomorrow of Mina and Anchor of Eduardo De Crescenzo. The evening of the «old glories» proves to be most followed from that edition.

2005 bastard Man sees after fifteen years of absence Marcella's return in competition to the Festival of Sanremo in the category «Classic» with the passage: for the occasion, in very ironic way, during the first evening the singer puts a suit on with inscription «Bastard man» at the end of the ungluing on the back. Marcella exceeds all the preliminary heats joining in final and being placed to the 2nd place in the category Classic.

The homonym cd, published during the week of the Festival, contains also Jellyfish (it written document by Mogol), which it is chosen like second individual, and my Time (with text of Pasquale Panella).

In 2007 Marcella takes part from the 57th Festival of Sanremo, with a passage of the headline Forever for ever, sung once more in couple with the brother Gianni who it is also an author together with Mogol. During the final evening the song receives from the quality jury a particularly low voting, which provokes the noisiest protest from the present public to the theatre Ariston. The brothers Bella they will take a beautiful return match really during the days of the Festival, when TV turns out to be the winners by overwhelming majority (30,5 % of the consents) of the sounding announced weekly I Smiled and Songs with which they invite the own readers to elect the song preferred by means of dispatch of Sms. In April in the same year there is published the album that carries the same headline of the passage presented to the Festival and that represents the first work in which the Sicilian singer duets in almost all the passages with the brother Gianni. Between the contained songs we find awful Revenge revenge that is chosen like summer individual.

In the March of 2009 the singer announces that the publication of a casket composed by a cd, a dvd and a book to celebrate 40 years of career: the project still has not still seen the light to cause probably of overtaken problems of health of the brother Gianni.

On September 28 2010 there is published for what all the fans of the singer catanese were always waiting: the print in cd of five of six albums published in the 70s for the CGD, crops in a casket at which the live of 1975 remains outside only the soul of the mad ones.

At January 7 2011 Marcella is between the protagonists of the new edition de I Recommended ones where in the arch of six weeks it suggests next to his immortal successes I Tomorrow, Green Mountains, In the Air and L' Ultima Poesia, classic of the Italian music which Minuet, The Night, I will live Without You, it is not possible to Die Inside, Heart, A Year Of Love and the Emotion Has no Voice.


1988 - Il colore rosso dell'amore («Stelle marine»)

1972 - Montagne verdi, Io vivrò senza te, Sole che nasce sole che muore e Un sorriso e poi perdonami

Festival Of Sanremo
1972 - Montagne verdi
1981 - Pensa per te
1986 - Senza un briciolo di testa
1987 - Tanti auguri
1988 - Dopo la tempesta
1990 - Verso l'ignoto (with Gianni Bella)
2005 - Uomo bastardo
2007 - Forever per sempre (with Gianni Bella)

1972 - Sole che nasce sole che muore
1973 - Io domani (with Mia Martini)
1974 - Nessuno mai
1975 - E quando
1976 - Resta cu'mme
1979 - Lady anima (host)
1980 - Baciami
1981 - Canto straniero (host)
1982 - Problemi (host)
1983 - Nell'aria (host)
1984 - Nel mio cielo puro (host)
1985 - L'ultima poesia (with Gianni Bella) (host)
1986 - La verità (host)
1988 - Il colore rosso dell'amore (host)

International exhibition Of Light Music
1969 - Bocca dolce
1971 - Hai ragione tu
1973 - Mi...ti...amo e Mi fa morire cantando
1974 - Nessuno mai e L'avvenire
1975 - E quando e Negro
1977 - Non m'importa più e Femmina
1979 - Camminando e cantando

1982 - Uomo mio, Un anno in più e Il patto («Forza Sette»)
1984 - Emozioni, Il tempo di morire, 10 ragazze, Acqua azzurra acqua chiara, Fiori rosa fiori di pesco e Pensieri e parole

1980 - Baciami
1981 - Canto straniero
1982 - Problemi
1983 - Nell'aria
1984 - Nel mio cielo puro
1985 - L'ultima poesia (with Gianni Bella)
1986 - La verità e Strana idea strana follia

Viva Napoli
1994 - 'Na sera 'e maggio
1995 - Torna a Surriento
1997 - Guapparia e Munasterio 'e Santa Chiara
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