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Mario Garrido

Mario Garrido
Mario Garrido
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Mario Garrido is a singer from Huelva which makes its world record with an anthology of the fandango de Huelva. In your hard FANDANGOS Huelva, ANTHOLOGY OF SINGING Huelva, 20 styles, Mario Garrido offers twenty different styles of singing in different towns fandango de Huelva, from the mountains to the plains through the capital.

The work contains nineteen fandango and closes with alosneras seguidillas. A work place to discover and enjoy the charm of a popular song tradition and rootedness.

MARIO GARRIDO CABEZA, flamenco singer, best known in the world of flamenco art with its own stage name MARIO GARRIDO, born in Huelva on November 18 of the year 1.946, on Avenida de San Antonio de Huelva and perhaps, foreshadowing as in the flow of his life flamenco, very close to the first headquarters of the Peña Flamenca de Huelva this Capital.

Desde very small and showed a great fondness for all things related to flamenco singing, to the end that with only nine years old, and had his first successful experience to win your first prize fandango, obtaining the reward of twenty-five pesetas and a fountain pen. Since that time, it was requested their presence in different gatherings Flemish city, like Las stretcher, the Quitasueño, Venta de Cárdenas, Sale Alvarez Cambra house, etc. to which came in the company of his father due to his short edad. En early youth, created a set together with Pepe Flamenco the Terrible and John Veil, with musical accompaniment by the guitar of Jose Antonio Rios.

In May of 1,973, was incorporated into the box singing the Peña Flamenca de Huelva, created seven months of this, which, in addition to singer, singing is professor and director of the academies of singing, dancing and playing. In his long life flamenco , to sung among many other figures very first song with the Chocolate, Perlita de Huelva, the Lebrijano , the shoelaces, Ramcapinos, Carmen Linares, and all of Huelva.

Toronjo Paco, Paco Isidro, Esperanza Fernandez, Manola Sanchez, Niña de Huelva, etc. One important facet of his artistic work is its participation in each year pays tribute to the "Peña Flamenca de Huelva" a Paco Toronjo. Mario is a scholar of the songs of Huelva, although any style dominates Flemish fluently, emphasizing greatly on the bolt, of whose art boasts every time Easter arrives, the brotherhoods rifarse exaltations participation in the same as to their Sacred Headlines.
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