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Prince And The Revolution

Prince And The Revolution
Prince And The Revolution
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Prince formed The Revolution in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1979 as his backing band for his first concert tour. The original lineup consisted of Gayle Chapman on keyboards, André Cymone on bass, Dez Dickerson on guitar, Doctor Fink on keyboards and Bobby Z. on drums & percussion. The band went nameless for almost three years while supporting Prince live and appearing in his music videos. Chapman and Cymone left in the early 1980's and were replaced by Lisa Coleman on keyboards and Brownmark on bass. Read more on Last.fm
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Video / HD Video Prince and the Revolution - Live (2022) [Blu-Ray 1080i] Prince and the Revolution - Live (2022) [Blu-Ray 1080i] Золотой релиз 37.17
3 | 0
by Tom a Jerry
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