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Stereo Fuse

Stereo Fuse
Stereo Fuse
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Stereo Fuse is a post-grunge band from Dallas, Texas, USA.

Stereo Fuse was formed in 2000 after guitarist Jeff Quay and drummer Chad Jenkins were forced to disband their previous group. The two left their former lead singer after a show in Atlanta in 2000, when the anonymous frontman told a particularly offensive joke and the band was asked to leave the stage.

Discovering singer-songwriter in Dallas, the musicians formed Stereo Fuse and began writing and recording songs. Read more on Last.fm
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Music / User's Compilation VA - Acoustic Rock vol.12 (2020) [FLAC (tracks)] VA - Acoustic Rock vol.12 (2020) [FLAC (tracks)] 610.94
5 | 0
by Pashketan p2000s
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