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The Whatnauts

The Whatnauts
The Whatnauts
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The Whatnauts were an American soul group from Baltimore, Maryland founded in 1969, Gerard 'Chunky' Pinkney , Billy Herndon and Garrett Jones.

The group had several hit singles in the early 1970s, including the socially conscious single "Message From A Black Man" in 1970 on A&I International, "Please Make The Love Go Away" also in 1970 but on Stang Records, and their biggest success "I’ll Erase Away Your Pain" in 1971. They performed with fellow Stang Records artists The Moments for the hit single "Girls" in 1974. Read more on Last.fm
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Music / Album VA - That Loving Feeling Volume II (1990) [FLAC (tracks + .cue)] VA - That Loving Feeling Volume II (1990) [FLAC (tracks + .cue)] 678.94
6 | 0
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