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Then Jerico

Then Jerico
Then Jerico
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Then Jerico were a British rock band from the late 1980s. Then Jerico produced two outstanding albums of creative songwriting, instrumentation, arrangement and production. The singles "Big Area" and "Sugar Box" being especially memorable. The song "Big Area" was featured in the 1989 science fiction film "Slipstream" starring Mark Hamill. The band included singer Mark Shaw, bassist Jasper Stainthorpe, drummer Steve Wren, and guitarist Scott Taylor.[2] Read more on Last.fm
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Music / Web Album Then Jerico - Before The Future 1984-1989 (2024) [FLAC (tracks)] Then Jerico - Before The Future 1984-1989 (2024) [FLAC (tracks)] 2.10
3 | 0
by alfie1999
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