"This fundament is absolute, yet manifests in that which is perceived as being imperfect.
This fundament is immutable, yet manifests in all that changes.
This fundament is impalpable, yet manifests in the imagination.
This fundament is immeasurable, yet manifests in that which can be measured.
This fundament is silent, yet all that can be heard manifests from this silence."
- Dale Lloyd, January 2004
Dale Lloyd is an experienced US sound artist with a deep interest in environmental recordings that he promotes passionately through his own and/OAR label...
Besides, he's also the originator of the field recordings based PHONOGRAPHY compilation series...
Looking into the convergences between micro and macro aural events,
Dale dissects and transmutes his materials to disclose an innermost essence...
"Aionios The Fundament" is his fluidic ode to an underlying evasive permanence...
In this gently sizzling sea, waving filaments, veins of salt, are all flowing back to some secret heart...
an engulfed receptacle where drips a thin rain of ageless murmurs...
From the opened shrine appears a tracery of filets, spreading like so many paths to apprehend our surroundings from a different angle...
"Aionios The Fundament" is an incursion behind and beyond structures where all the hidden, subtle forces coalesce...
a place of contemplation and enhanced perception,
and ultimately, an amazing new starting point...