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Sharing LC releases elsewhere 
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Зарегистрирован: 13 июн 2021, 13:29
Сообщения: 5
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I notice a number of my uploads also uploaded other places. I have NOT checked the "exclusive" box, because, it is absolutely impossible to expect people not to share your stuff elsewhere.

BUT, in my description, I EXPLICITLY say:

If you chose to share this, or any other release, elsewhere, please
give the original ripper/uploader the respect they deserve by
leaving it intact and giving credit where credit is due.

and the person who is sharing these releases is NOT following this request.

So, my question, because I've put that stipulation in my uploads, but, NOT marked it as an exclusive, does the member have the right to upload elsewhere, without following my stipulation? Again, I EXPECT ALL uploads (marked as exclusive or not, honestly) to be shared, that can't be stopped, but, I would like appropriate credit, the other person to not take credit for my many hours of work and money.



13 июн 2021, 13:39
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