I will describe the process of uploading spectrum's, video screenshots, covers or any other pictures to our tracker.
So, we have a picture of a spectrum, and we want to load it to our tracker, then insert a reference in release description. This is a step by step guide how to do this.
Please follow the steps below:
1. Edit the desired release by pushing the Edit button (


2. In
Attach section there is a link called
Upload Images, please click on it:

The following window will popup:

3. Now you must choose type of a picture (
1), choose desired file (
2) and upload this picture to our server (
The available picture types are:
- обложка к альбому = album cover
- спектрограмма = spectrum
- скриншот видео = video screenshot
- картинка = poster, picture
4. Within a few seconds, we will see that the image was uploaded, and we will get a reference (
4) of the uploaded image.

5. Insert this reference into
logs field, like in image below (

6. Click on "Применить" button and that's all
