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Albert Castiglia

Albert Castiglia
Albert Castiglia
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ALBERT CASTIGLIA Albert Castiglia (pronounced "ka-STEEL-ya") was born on August 12, 1969 in New York. At the age of 5, his family moved to Miami. With a Cuban mother and an Italian father, he is an example of the melting pot of culture that is Miami. He learned to play guitar at the age of 12 and soon realized that the passions in his heart were expressed best by his music. Castiglia has a blues history. In 1990, he joined The Miami Blues Authority and later on won "Best Blues Guitarist" from New Times magazine in 1997. Read more on Last.fm
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Music / Hi-Res Audio Mike Zito & Albert Castiglia - Blood Brothers (2023) [FLAC (tracks)] Mike Zito & Albert Castiglia - Blood Brothers (2023) [FLAC (tracks)] 558.45
7 | 0
by Javigonzaga
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