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Revolution Renaissance

Revolution Renaissance
Revolution Renaissance
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Revolution Renaissance was a power metal band founded by guitarist Timo Tolkki after he left Stratovarius in 2008. The band released three studio albums before disbanding in 2010.

Last line-up:
Timo Tolkki - guitar (2008–2010)
Gus Monsanto - vocals (2008–2010)
Bruno Agra - drums (2008–2010)
Magnus Rosén - bass (2009–2010)
Bob Katsionis - Keyboards (2010)

The first record from the new band, aptly entitled “New Era”, includes the vocal talents of Michael Kiske (ex HELLOWEEN), Tobias Sammet (EDGUY, AVANTASIA) and Pasi Rantanen (ex THUNDERSTONE) plus Mirka Rantanen on drums (THUNDERSTONE), Pasi Heikkilä on bass (45 DEGREE WOMAN) and Joonas Puolakka on keyboards.

Tolkki originally composed all the songs included in this album for Stratovarius, but after the group broke up, he thought he needed to get these songs out and did not spend time looking for a permanent band line-up. Since then Tolkki has found 3 excellent soulmates with young and fresh energy and is already writing material for a new album.

In March 2009, the band released their second album Age of Aquarius with a permanent lineup.

In October 2009 Timo Tokki announced that both Justin Biggs and Mike Khalilov have left the band due to musical differences.

On November 1, 2009, Blabbermouth.net reported that Magnus Rosén (former bass player for HammerFall) joined Revolution Renaissance.

In an interview with the Finnish news website kp24 published on May 10, Timo Tolkki announced that Greek Firewind and Outloud Keyboarder Bob Katsionis is the new Keyboardplayer of the band and that they’re currently mixing their third and final album, “Trinity”, which will be released in fall.

On July 28, Tolkki announced the break-up of Revolution Renaissance. He commented by saying:

“Due to my private problems, the lack of interest in Revolution Renaissance, shows by the promoters, and the current situation in the music industry that affects to everything including the production budgets, it has become impossible to continue the band. We have tried to book shows in these last three years, but we haven’t been able to do so. A rock band cannot exist without direct contact to its fans. Therefore I have no other choice but to make the decision to stop the band and its activities due to the above-mentioned reasons. The third and final album of the band will be released at the end of September. From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank all the fans of my music throughout the years. It’s been a great journey.”

The third Revolution Renaissance album, titled “Trinity”, was released later in the year through Napalm Records.
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