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The Long Ryders

The Long Ryders
The Long Ryders
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The Long Ryders is an American alternative country and Paisley Underground band, principally active between 1983 and 1987, who have periodically regrouped for brief reunions (2004, 2009, 2016). In 2019 they released a new album and announced a series of tour dates to follow. Initially formed in 1983, the members came from all around the U.S. Most notably, Kentucky native Sid Griffin who shared most the vocals and guitars with Virginian Stephen McCarthy. Read more on Last.fm
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Music / Hi-Res Audio The Long Ryders - September November (2023) [FLAC (tracks)] The Long Ryders - September November (2023) [FLAC (tracks)] 544.01
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by AlexXPY
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