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Tom Finster

Tom Finster
Tom Finster
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Информация об исполнителе
Hi, i'm Tom. I do electronic bass music - which can be categorized as drum & bass and halftime and everything in-between; often with a nostalgic or melancholic vibe to it and sometimes i also sing on those songs. They have a touch of electronica and ambient as well. I started this project early 2018 on my 30th birthday, but i do music for the most of my life. Currently i live in Leipzig, Germany, but was born not so far away from here, in a small village near the Czech border - think mountains with deep woods and little creaks. My first songs are all part of the ALL THINGS FALL APART LP, even though released as individual singles or two-tracks, this pretty much encompasses all i love about music. Together with my 2020 From Here On Blind EP these are the foundation of my artistic vision. Right now there's my new album dropping. It's called Year Of I and it's what i'm most proud of and my most personal work to date. Please check this, if you want to know what my music is about. Labels: UPSCALE, NËU/NEOSIGNAL, DIVIDID, INSPECTED and more.Read more on Last.fm
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