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Tom Moto

Tom Moto
Tom Moto
Информация об исполнителе
Extreme-jazz-rock is perhaps the best definition for the music of Tom Moto. Tom Moto plays junk music, an estraordinary mix of schizoid jazz and derailed funk, but not just. A fantastic trio based on bass, drums and trumpet with intrusions of sax, contrabass, guitar, electronics stuff and reading. Tom Moto play the misfit life of Henry Chinaski, prime charachter of "Post office", a novel based on the dirty face of the big american dream. Read more on Last.fm
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Music / Discography Tom Moto (2008 - 2014) [FLAC (image + .cue)] Tom Moto (2008 - 2014) [FLAC (image + .cue)] 917.54
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by General Golden Uploader
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