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Детали релиза : Falling You (2004-2008) [FLAC (tracks)]

Discography Falling You (2004-2008) [FLAC (tracks)]
Хэш релизаd584bfec3e8ed5ea4e4461255442c9d414c11268
Falling You (2004-2008) [FLAC (tracks)](кликните для просмотра полного изображения)
Теги (жанры)
Artist: Falling You
Genre: Ambient, Ethereal
Country: CA, USA


2004 - Touch

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1. Falling You - something about eve ... (8:08)
2. Falling You - the art of possession (no escape) (6:10)
3. Falling You - hope thrown down (4:04)
4. Falling You - less likely to believe (8:06)
5. Falling You - the sadness of the witch (5:33)
6. Falling You - march thirty-one (7:03)
7. Falling You - ... a cry for the broken-hearted (6:57)
8. Falling You - the light between us (7:47)
9. Falling You - the canoe and the waterfall (4:29)
10. Falling You - reading the leaves (by moonlight) (9:23)

Duration: 01:07:43
2006 - Human

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1. Falling You - Destiny Trip (6:26)
2. Falling You - Tribe (6:15)
3. Falling You - Shadow Child (6:20)
4. Falling You - Bring Down The Stars (7:10)
5. Falling You - A Bird in a Cage (2:06)
6. Falling You - Varenka (6:20)
7. Falling You - Starshine (8:29)
8. Falling You - One Hundred Years (of Solitude) (6:32)
9. Falling You - An Angel, Ameliorate (8:11)

Duration: 00:57:53
2008 - Faith

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1. Falling You - A Warning to Giants (2:29)
2. Falling You - Given (5:54)
3. Falling You - Amy's Song (9:16)
4. Falling You - End Before The Winds (6:44)
5. Falling You - Freefall (11:22)
6. Falling You - Cover Me (7:12)
7. Falling You - Milk And Honey (7:21)
8. Falling You - Wicked (7:07)
9. Falling You - And The Rains Come In Waves (5:26)
10. Falling You - All Is Not Lost (6:05)
11. Falling You - Amy's Song (Reprise) (1:33)

Duration: 01:10:35
cкрыто спойлером
Falling You - Touch

FALLING YOU creates moving, emotive music that is best served when the moon is high, the atmosphere is serene, and the lights are out
Arranged by composer, John Michael Zorko, FALLING YOU enlists the haunting vocals of Dru Allen (THIS ASCENSION), Aimee Page, Jennifer McPeak, Sara Ayers, Krista Tortora (FULL BLOWN KIRK), Victoria Lloyd (CLAIRE VOYANT), Erica Mulkey (UNWOMAN) and others
Mixing dark ambient soundscapes with subtle electronica, and some of the most beautiful ethereal female vocals around, FALLING YOU speaks a melancholy, yet hopeful language that permeates the soul of the listener.

Falling You - Human

"Human", the third release from Falling You, continues in the vein of the groundbreaking "Touch" release from 2004 (which won the "Best Vocal Album of 2005" award from NewAgeReporter). Exploring the electronica side of Falling You a bit more, yet remaining firmly entrenched in the ethereal / ambient-inspired spaces, "Human" once again features the stunning vocals of Aimee Page (Vishnu's Secret), Dru Allen (This Ascension), Jennifer McPeak (original Falling You vocalist), Erica Mulkey (Unwoman) as well as welcoming Suzanne Perry (Love Spirals Downwards) into the fold.
"Human" is dedicated to the memories of Jane Addams, Emily Green Balch, John Lennon and everyone who shows the way to a better world, by showing us how to be better people.

Falling You - Faith

Featuring incredible performances by Suzanne Perry (Love Spirals Downwards), Amanda Kramer (The Golden Palominos), Shikhee (Android Lust) and other Falling You favorites, 'faith' continues in the dark ambient / heavenly voices / ethereal style of 'human' and 'touch', while adding subtle industrial elements. Exploring what we humans do when life's experiences shake the foundations of whatever beliefs we hold, 'faith' asks the question, 'What do we do when everything crumbles around us?'
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Размер0.99 GB (1,066,826,194 байт)
Добавлен2010-06-20 08:39:13
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