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Детали релиза : Keiko Matsui - Дискография (1987-2005)

Discography Keiko Matsui - Дискография (1987-2005)
Хэш релизаc33ba3e4eb8f20905e5129af1591e37bcedb06d0
Keiko Matsui - Дискография (1987-2005)(кликните для просмотра полного изображения)
Теги (жанры)
Жанр : Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Crossover Jazz, Smooth Jazz, Contemporary Instrumental, Jazz-Pop, Fusion
Год : 1987-2005


A Drop of Water

1. Ancient Wind
2. Light Above The Trees
3. Harbor Wind
4. Mediterranean Sea
5. A Drop Of Water
6. From My Window
7. Only Way Home
8. Fairy
9. Paper Spirit

1989 [Under Northern Lights] By Regin

1. Under Northern Lights
2. Mountain Shakedown
3. Secret Forest
4. The Morning Moon
5. As Far As The Eye Can See
6. The Ruins Of Sonora
7. High Brow Country Affair
8. Walls Of The Cave
9. Flight Of The Angels
10. The Gate

A Gift of Life

1. Hope
2. Between the Moons
3. Crescent Night Dream
4. Beyond the Light

Cherry Blossom

1. Rainy Season
2. Sail South
3. Walking On The Bridge
4. Crescendo
5. She Prays To The Wind
6. Cherry Blossom
7. Frontier


1. Mountain Shakedown
2. Wind And The Wolf, The
3. Under Northern Lights
4. Light In The Rain
5. Morning Moon, The
6. Believer
7. Walls Of The Cave
8. Kappa (Water Elf)
9. Secret Forest
10. In The Mist
11. Souvenir
12. Gate, The

Deep Blue

1. Deep Blue
2. Water For The Tribe
3. Across The Sun
4. Trees
5. Mediterranean Eyes
6. Rose In Morocco
7. Moonflower
8. Crescent Night Dream
9. To The Indian Sea
10. Mystic Dance


1. Bronze Casting
2. Moroccan Ashes
3. Doll
4. Water Lily
5. Voice Of The Heart
6. 1942, From Russia
7. Postponed Summer
8. Eye Of The Moon
9. Funny Things
10. Sympathy


1. Whisper From The Mirror
2. Night Hawks' Dream
3. Doll
4. Kappa
5. Beyond The Light
6. Bridge Over The Stars
7. White Gate
8. Night Waltz
9. Forever, Forever
10. Foot Steps
11. Safari
12. Light Above The Trees
13. The Wind And The Wolf
14. Blues Jam

Dream Walk

1. Dream Walk
2. Bridge Over The Stars
3. Children Of The Oasis
4. Fire In The Desert
5. Mask
6. Presence Of The Moon
7. Tribal Boat
8. A Cat On The Chimney
9. Passage
10. Valley

Full Moon and The Shrine

1. Night Hawk' Dream
2. Steps In The Night
3. Bonfire In The Piano
4. Southern Crossings
5. Legend Of The Trees
6. Full Moon And The Shrine
7. Spirit At The Corner
8. Toward The Sunrise
9. Forever, Forever
10. Meadow

Night Waltz

1. Night Waltz
2. Moonlight Sailor
3. The White Gate
4. Eyes Were Made To Cry
5. Hope
6. Lake Of The White Owl
7. Where Wildflowers Grow
8. Grey Cliffs
9. Seagull


1. Safari
2. Bouncing Bougainvillea
3. Sonora
4. Don't Turn On The Light
5. Mission
6. Garden
7. Tears From The Sun
8. Spanish Galleon
9. Dragon Wings
10. Sapphire

No Borders

1. The First Four Years
2. Light In The Rain
3. The White Corridor
4. Mover
5. The Wind And The Wolf
6. In The Mist
7. Three Silhouettes
8. Kappa (Water Elf)
9. Souvenir
10. Believer

The Ring

1. Steps Of Maya
2. Venus Of The Sea
3. Moon Circle
4. Prism
5. The Next Plateau
6. Messenger
7. Deity In The Silence
8. The Ring
9. White Owl
10. Prescious Time

The Piano

1. Presence Of The Moon
2. Water Lilly
3. Whisper From The Mirror
4. Between The Moons
5. Light Above The Trees
6. Doll
7. Beyond The Light
8. Trees
9. Forever, Forever
10. See You There
11. Dawn
12. Distance
13. Be With Me

Keiko Matsui - The Very Best Of Keiko Matsui

TRACK 01 "Flight of the Angels"
TRACK 02 "The First Four Years"
TRACK 03 "Mountain Shakedown"
TRACK 04"Light in the Rain"
TRACK 05 "Secret Forest"
TRACK 06"The Wind and the Wolf"
TRACK 07 "The Morning Moon"
TRACK 08"The White Corridor"
TRACK 09"Under Northern Lights"
TRACK 10 "Mover"
TRACK 11 "Souvenir"

Walls of Akendora

1. Overture For The City
2. Crystal Shadow
3. Mountain Shakedown
4. Canvas
5. Akendora's Clock
6. Walking Through It
7. Blue Butterfly
8. Gentle Sands
9. Walls Of Akendora
10. Bay Of Destiny

White Owl

1 White Owl
2 Moonlight Sailor
3 Steps of Maya
4 Precious Time (Solo Piano)
5 Kappa
6 Across the Sun
7 White Gate
8 Doll
9 Next Plateau (Solo Piano)
10 Safari
11 Light Above the Trees
12 Wind and the Wolf
13 To the Indian Sea
14 Forever, Forever (Solo Piano)

Whisper from the Mirror

01. Whisper from the Mirror
02. Invisible Wing
03. Tears of the Ocean
04. Between the Moons
05. Beyond the Light
06. Torches on the Earth
07. Dimensions
08. Savanna, No problem
09. Midnight Stone
10. See you there
11. Ever After


1. Flashback
2. Facing Up
3. Sense Of A Journey
4. Brand New Wind
5. Eldest Of All
6. Reflections
7. White Castle
8. Temple Of Life
9. Seeker
10. Stone Circle
11. Wildflower

Продолжительность : 16:01:32
Аудиокодек : APE, FLAC
Битрейт аудио : Lossless, ~1000 kb/s, частота бит: 16, частота 44100 Гц, каналов 2.
Логи альбомовhide
Размер5.38 GB (5,776,890,543 байт)
Добавлен2008-05-14 15:13:24
РаздающийПоследний раз был здесь 18 минут назад
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