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Please help restore my acc 
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Зарегистрирован: 20 апр 2021, 17:59
Сообщения: 3
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This is copied from Questions about the forum and tracker forum, I wasn't sure which section to use, but no one seems to even visit or read that post, so I am posting it here also. I hope LLC isn't dead, I see no activity in the forums, other than people like me trying to get back in to the tracker and no replies from mods or admins. Here is a copy/paste from my other post:


I sent a message about this using the REGISTER new account form - Now I have found this forum :(, sorry.

Here is my problem:

I don't think my account is disabled, maybe it is. I am actively seeding 4 torrents and the tracker status in my uTorrent client is good, but when I try to log in to torrent tracker I get Incorrect Password, then if I try to recover login I get "Error Email address not found in the database. " . If I try to register a new acc using my Gmail, the same as I used on my account before ****mail@gmail.com, it says that email is already in use. Yet, I CAN log in to the forum with theotherone username and my password. Would you be able to help me get back in to tracker site?

BTW, when I try to contact Admin using the Admin messaging page, it fails to verify captcha, does not display the captcha, but attempting to send a message results in error that I did not verify the I am human captcha, which is broken - this is why I am posting my help request here.

27 дек 2023, 19:48
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